The museum holds a collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts that are of particular interest to visitors, particularly due to the centerpiece of the collection, a human mummy in a painted wooden coffin. It was discovered at Gamhud in Middle Egypt, along with about 70 other mummies in wooden coffins, during an archaeological mission funded by Hungarian businessman Back Fülöp, who donated the piece to the Transylvanian Museum.
Among the heritage objects in this collection are some animal mummies, but also mummified human body fragments, statuettes usherbti – symbol of the deceased in the afterlife – as well as statuettes representing divinities, such as Isis, Osiris, Harpocrates, etc. The collection also includes a number of glazed earthenware amulets and various everyday objects – a kohl pot for eyeshadows, an unguentarium, but also beads of various shapes and sizes.