One of the exhibitions recently organized by MNIT, which brought together the most spectacular pieces of clothing and jewelry from the museum's pre-modern collection, was Cornucopia. Luxury in the Transylvanian noble world. Dr. Diana Iegar, the curator of the exhibition, today tells us the story of some pieces of clothing and jewelry made by hand, discovered in the crypt of the reformed church at Cetatea de Balta, where Sofia Kendi, the wife of the Transylvanian aristocrat Melchior Bogathi, his mother and grandmother were buried . These were discovered during the renovation of the church, in 1897. Dr. Ana Maria Gruia gives us more details about the specifics of artistic productions in Transylvania in the XNUMXth century, and Ioana Cova, textile restorer and conservator, tells us about how particularly fragile and precious textile heritage objects are strengthened and restored.