These days we are concerned with the state of the world economy, monetary appreciation or depreciation. To find out when and where the foundations of the economy were laid, we must make a leap in time, more than 500 years before our era, and go precisely to Lydia. Guided by Dr. Agnes Găzdac and Dr. Radu Ardevan, today we learn some interesting things about the first coin - the hemihecta - and about the major changes brought by the appearance of this commercial instrument. Our colleagues will tell us about how we can recognize such a precious artifact, what material it was made of, what was its value, about who could mint money, how it was built and how the system in which it was used evolved. You should also know that around 300 Lydian coins have been preserved worldwide, and one of these numismatic rarities is in our museum collection.

1/12 stater, Sardis mint, Lydia