The Pharmacy History Collection is well-known both for its exhibits and for the building in the center of Cluj that houses them. Among the most beloved objects in the collection are the bottles for the Elixir of Love, very popular especially around Valentine's Day. The collection contains four hand-painted glass containers with different romantic representations (hearts, facing doves, couples, flowers) made in a factory in Transylvania in the middle of the 18th century. Dr. Ana Maria Gruia tells us about them, about their contents and about the various ingredients used for the preparation of elixirs. Dr. Felix Marcu, the museum manager, and architect Endre Ványoló talk to us about the situation of the building, its history and how it will look after the extensive restoration workss , which is coordinating the restoration of the building and the murals. If you are fascinated by the history of the pharmacy, on the facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/colectiefarmacluj) and on the collection blog (http://farmacluj.blogspot.com) you can find every day super interesting posts about diseases and their remedies, containers, medical tools and many other curiosities related to this field.