Today we are talking about the afterlife and mummification. You may be wondering, quite rightly, what is the connection between Transylvania and Egyptian mummies? The National History Museum of Transylvania is one of the two museums in the country that keeps a mummy with a sarcophagus in its collections. This rare artefact entered our heritage in 1910 and is part of a batch of 70 sarcophagi, all discovered near Cairo. Our colleague Dr. Eugenia Beu-Dachin tells us the story of the insignia that decorate the mummy's carton (the painted textile covering) and its sarcophagus, and Dr. Alexandru Diaconescu tells us about Ka, the soul of the deceased, about the reason why people mummified themselves, who had the right to being mummified and how this phenomenon evolves in ancient Egypt.

Egyptian mummy with sarcophagus, Sharuna – Gamhud (Egypt)