We are starting registrations for the sixth activity within the museum education project carried out in partnership with the Association HaiHui between words: "The 12 papyri. From Life to Immortality in Ancient Egypt".
The theme of the activity is: "Gods - Above All". We meet Thursday, June 29, 13:30 p.m in the space related to the "Gods and Mortals in Ancient Egypt" Exhibition (1st floor). The team made up of Monica Bodea (museographer) and Luminița Bratu (teacher. primary teacher) will welcome you with history, stories and, as usual, with surprises!
Appointments: 0745392935 Monica; 0748989347 Luminita.
Available places: 15 (the activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 10).
The ancient Egyptians believed in several gods, the religion being polytheistic. Egyptian mythology is, along with Sumerian and Babylonian, among the oldest in the world. Beliefs and rituals are based on the interaction of the ancient Egyptians with a large number of deities (over 60), gods who had certain characteristics and attributes. The most important and revered gods were: Ra - the sun god, Osiris - the god of the afterlife, Set – the evil god, Isis – the mother-sister goddess, Horus – the falcon god, Sobek – the crocodile god of the Nile, Anubis – jackal god of death and mummification, Bastet – the cat goddess, Thoth – the ibis-headed god, patron of writing and mathematics and Hathor – goddess of love, music and dance.