The seventh activity within the museum education project carried out in partnership with the HaiHui Association among the words: "The 12 papyri. From Life to Immortality in Ancient Egypt" is "Hidden treasures"- the wonderful world of archaeology".
Archeology (term derived from the Greek word "archàios - ancient" and "lògos - discourse/study) is the science that studies ancient human civilizations and cultures and their relationships with the environment, by documenting and searching, collecting, analyzing and interpreting the remaining material traces .
Egypt holds one of the richest sources of archaeological treasures in the world, and we will explore them.
We meet Tuesday, July 18, 13:00 p.m in the space related to the Exhibition "Gods and Mortals in Egypt (if the weather permits, we will carry out the activity in the courtyard of the museum). Ancient" (first floor). The team made up of Monica Bodea (museographer) and Luminița Bratu (teacher. primary teacher) will welcome you with history, stories and ....as usual with surprises!
Appointments: 0745392935 Monica; 0748989347 Luminita.
Available places: 10 (the activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 10).