October 17, 2023, 15.00 p.m., MNIT
The tenth activity within the museum education project carried out in partnership with the HaiHui Association among the words: "The 12 papyri. From life to immortality in Ancient Egypt", has as its theme: "The pharaoh - God incarnate". We meet on Tuesday, October 17, at 15:00 in the space related to the "Gods and Mortals in Ancient Egypt" Exhibition (XNUMXst floor).
The team made up of Monica Bodea (museographer) and Luminița Bratu (teacher. primary teacher) will welcome you with history, stories and.... as usual with surprises!
Appointments: 0745392935 Monica; 0748989347 Luminita
Available places: 15 (the activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 11)
A particularly important place in the Egyptian pantheon was occupied by the pharaoh. According to mythology, Egypt was first ruled by the gods, with Ra himself being the first pharaoh. The pharaohs of the historical dynasties, the successors of the ancient divine dynasties, were themselves gods, in their double capacity as sons and heirs of the gods. Each pharaoh was born by supernatural conception, as the son of an earth woman and the god Ra. The ascension of the pharaoh to the throne was likened to the ascension of the sun to the throne of Horus. The gods themselves took part in the coronation ceremony, purifying the new king and giving him divine power. One of the ceremonies consisted of the pharaoh entering the temple, followed by embracing the statue of the god, an act considered to be a continuous transmission of divine power. After death, the pharaoh was officially worshiped in a temple built during his lifetime.