Following the archaeological research at the reformed church in Huedin, coordinated by Dr. Csók Zsolt, from 2019-2020, eight coffins were discovered in crypt number three, including that of a young girl. After the collection by archaeologists and specialists in the conservation and restoration of textile objects from the depositional environment, the objects on an organic support thus discovered (clothing elements) were transported to the restoration laboratory of MNIT to enter into processes of stabilization, curative conservation and restoration emergency. Among the pieces of clothing discovered in this context were a bonnet and a collar, both made of silk brocade with metal thread trimmings.
The two objects (silk bonnet with metallic thread lace and silk fastening ribbons and collar) showed degradations characteristic of the depositional environment: loss of material (warp and beating), dehydration, mold stains, deposits resulting from decomposition processes of organic matter, salts, color degradation. The restoration of the two objects aimed at carrying out the initial dry, surface cleaning treatments, then the wet, local ones, with cold distilled water vapors, for the rehydration, unfolding and repositioning of fragments of fragile and/or folded/deformed textile strips, followed by total immersion in the cleaning solution. After carrying out repeated wet treatments and restoring the original shape of the objects, it was followed by their consolidation (in the case of the collar by doubling on a new support made of natural silk) and their reassembly in the original production techniques.
The curative conservation and restoration interventions were carried out by restoration expert Dr. Laura Troșan.
Bonnet – before, during and after restoration
Collar – before, during and after restoration