Two schools from Bistrița-Năsăud have signed a partnership agreement for the project "Bringing the museum to you!", offering rural students the chance to find out who we are and what we do, free of charge, through a museum education activity. This then ended with visiting the exhibitions. We thank our colleague Dr. Beata Barbocz for guidance.
We also want to thank the management of the "Constantin Romanu Vivu" High School in Teaca, Mr. Director Professor Nicolai Iacob Gavrilă, to the management of the "Cardinal Iuliu Hossu" Secondary School in Milaș, to Mr. Director Professor Otvoș Alexandru, to Mrs. Liliana Zaharia for coordinating this project, to Mr. Breșfelean Alin and the students for their participation.
MNIT team:
Diana Piru – museum educator and initiator of the project
Dana Gheorghe Şerban – cartoonist
Anca Bâlc - cartoonist