These events conclude the third year since we initiated the project addressed to high school students, the Dialogue Platform between MNIT and teenagers – Our Museum / Your Museum, an initiative that forced us to look for ways to get teenagers to use their creativity and energy and to express their own vision about an exhibition, starting from the one made by MNIT "Gods and mortals from ancient Egypt" (ZMEA).
Four Cluj schools participated in the project: "Gheorghe Șincai" National College Cluj-Napoca, "Nicolae Bălcescu" Theoretical High School Cluj-Napoca, Energetic Technical College Cluj and "Ștefan Pascu" Apahida High School. Project results, exhibition #AfostodateinEgypt and the play Judgment of Osiris, will be presented to the public on May 31 at 16:00 p.m. at the MNIT headquarters.
In addition to what they learned with us and achieved through their own effort, there remains an experience that brought them closer to the museum and brought the museum closer to them!