With joy and satisfaction we share with our audience the latest information related to the file "Frontierele Imperiului Roman. Dacia". ICOMOS and the Secretariat of the World Heritage Committee brought the inscription of the site on the World Heritage List to the attention of the World Heritage Committee.
The achievement is remarkable, and the National History Museum of Transylvania contributed fundamentally, through the team of specialists involved, since a decade ago, in the creation, submission and support of this huge file.
Thus, the 277 component sites of the monument have become more than parts of Romania's national heritage, belonging to all of humanity. The Ministry of Culture initiated and financed, starting in 2014, the Limes National Program, a country project whose goal is mostly achieved today.
Congratulations also to the other institutions responsible within the Limes National Program: the National Heritage Institute, the National History Museum of Romania, the National Museum of the Eastern Carpathians and all the other relevant institutions in the country, who believed in this project and actively contributed to its completion : National Museum of Banat, Timișoara, County Museum of Ethnography and Border Regiment, Caransebeș, National Union Museum, Alba Iulia, County Museum of History and Art, Zalău, Bistrița-Năsăud Museum Complex, Mureș County Museum, Vâlcea County Museum , Olt County Museum, Oltenia Museum, Argeș County Museum, Babeș-Bolyai University, University of Bucharest and the Romanian Academy, through its branches in Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest.