Today we mark 52 years since the adoption of the World Heritage Convention by UNESCO member states. The purpose of the Convention is to preserve for future generations cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value as part of the world heritage of humanity.
The Convention's most important tool is the World Heritage List, which currently includes over 1.200 properties. This year, they added "The Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia". We are proud of MNIT's significant contribution to this success, along with National Heritage Institute and by numerous other institutions, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, through the LIMES National Program.
Thus, one of the largest and most complex segments of the Frontiers of the Roman Empire joins other segments already included in the UNESCO heritage. However, this is not the end of the road. MNIT is still committed to contributing to the effort to protect, conserve, research and enhance the 277 sites of the "Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia".
1. The moment of the inscription of the "Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia" in the UNESCO World Heritage List, at the 46th meeting of the World Heritage Committee in New Delhi, India, July 27, 2024.
2. The auxiliary camp from Bologa (Cluj county).
3. Overlapping marching barracks from Comărnicel (Hunedoara county).
4. The legionary camp from Turda – Potaissa (Cluj county).
5. The earth fortifications from Brebi – Porolissum (Sălaj county).
6. The wall of the legionary camp from Alba Iulia - Apulum, reused at the Palace of the Princes of Transylvania (Alba county).