until August 30, 2024
Following the rehabilitation works concerning the areas IL Caragiale Park and the streets in its vicinity have been surveyed from an archaeological point of view. Following the investigations started in January 2024, several historical masonry structures belonging to the Roman, medieval and modern eras have been revealed.
For the Roman era, in addition to the ceramic material and reused architectural fragments, we can mention that a large building and the enclosure wall with part of the elevation at one point were partially discovered. The medieval wall overlaps the Roman one, but also notable is the partial discovery of a gate on the northern side mentioned in documents in the 15th century, but at the time of the discovery, later restorations were also found. For the modern era, we can mainly mention the partial discovery of the walls of a brewery and a correctional school that were located in the park area in the 19th century. The latter are documented and also appear in photographs of the time. Portions of the Roman and medieval walls, given the very good state of conservation, will be restored and put into historical and archaeological value within the park, and they can be visited by the interested public.
Scientific manager of the construction site, Dr. George Cupcea, in collaboration with Dr. Cosmin Onofrei and Dr. Viorica Rusu-Bolindeț (MNIT), Dr. Sorin Cociș (Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Academy Branch, Cluj-Napoca), Dr. Radu Lupescu (Sapietia University, Cluj-Napoca), Todika Raul, Necșe Karina, Csaba Danél. Beneficiary: Cluj-Napoca City Hall, contractor: construction company SC NordConForest SA. For additional information see:https://www.rfi.fr/ro/rom%C3%A2nia/20240313-zid-din-perioada-imperiului-roman-descoperit-la-cluj-napoca