Following the archaeological research at the reformed church in Huedin, coordinated by Dr. Csók Zsolt, from 2019-2020, eight coffins were discovered in crypt number three, including that of a young girl. After the collection by archaeologists and specialists in the conservation and restoration of textile objects from the depositional environment, the objects on an organic support thus discovered (clothing elements) were transported to the restoration laboratory of MNIT to enter into processes of stabilization, curative conservation and restoration emergency. Among the pieces of clothing discovered in this context were a bonnet and a collar, both made of silk brocade with metal thread trimmings.
The two objects (silk bonnet with metallic thread lace and silk fastening ribbons and collar) showed degradations characteristic of the depositional environment: loss of material (warp and beating), dehydration, mold stains, deposits resulting from decomposition processes of organic matter, salts, color degradation. The restoration of the two objects aimed at carrying out the initial dry, surface cleaning treatments, then the wet, local ones, with cold distilled water vapors, for the rehydration, unfolding and repositioning of fragments of fragile and/or folded/deformed textile strips, followed by total immersion in the cleaning solution. After carrying out repeated wet treatments and restoring the original shape of the objects, it was followed by their consolidation (in the case of the collar by doubling on a new support made of natural silk) and their reassembly in the original production techniques.
The curative conservation and restoration interventions were carried out by restoration expert Dr. Laura Troșan.
Bonnet – before, during and after restoration
Collar – before, during and after restoration
On the occasion of the preventive archaeological research during the restoration works at the Mauksch-Hintz House, a series of archaeological remains from the Roman era, the Middle Ages and the pre-modern period were brought to light. More than 2500 whole, complete or fragmentary glass, ceramic or porcelain objects were discovered, which arrived at the MNIT Restoration Laboratory, where they were subjected to curative conservation and restoration interventions. The interventions were carried out by restoration experts Cornelia Rotariu and Tudor Tomescu. Characteristically for objects on an inorganic support from the archaeological environment, the first stage of the conservation-restoration process was the one through which wet and dry cleaning treatments were applied, to remove deposits of various natures. This was followed by the reassembly of fragmentary objects, where this operation was possible.
The curative conservation and restoration interventions were carried out by Cornelia Rotariu and Tudor Tomescu, experts in ceramic and glass restoration within the MNIT.
Within the Restoration Laboratory of MNIT, the painting/wood restoration sector, three painted wooden panels from the Pharmacy History Collection entered during 2023, which required restoration interventions for their future display in the newly organized permanent exhibition from the Pharmacy Museum. The pieces showed various degradations, such as adherent deposits, damage to the preparation layer with local loss, blisters, attack by xylophagous insects, but also improper previous interventions such as uneven application of varnish layers and local fixing with improper elements.
All three pieces first required dry cleaning and solvent treatments, followed by biocide treatments (against wood-boring insects). Local grouting, chromatic integration on the areas with lack of color and the preparation layer and the uniformity of the varnish on the painted surfaces were operations carried out in the next phase of the restoration process.
The curative conservation and restoration interventions were carried out by expert restorer Sabin-Pompei Grapini.
LION – Pictures from the restoration
HIPPOCRATES – Images from the Restoration
MINERVA - Images from the restoration
04-05.05.2023, National History Museum of Transylvania
Participants - Brașov Ethnography Museum, Transylvania National History Museum, Bran National Museum, Association of Conservators and Restorers from Romania, First Romanian School Museum and ERMIS Association
The participants, interested in the theme of the workshop, were familiarized with the facility for the treatment of organic heritage goods from the museum collections, carried out in an anoxic environment. During the presentations, the importance of curative and preventive conservation was highlighted and the results of the application of curative technology in an anoxic environment (deprived of oxygen) on heritage objects and textiles were presented.

March – July 2023 – project implemented by the Museum of Ethnography Brașov – project in which MNIT was a partner
Project implemented by the Museum of Ethnography Brașov in partnership with museum institutions and cultural NGOs: the National History Museum of Transylvania, the Bran National Museum, the Association of Conservators and Restorers from Romania, the First Romanian School Museum and the ERMIS Association Brașov implement during the period March - July 2023 the project "Pro patrimonio. Preserving and saving the heritage of others", co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN).
The project presented innovative technologies in the field of curative and preventive conservation of heritage assets from museum collections. During the project, workshops and interactive workshops were held in which the treatment facility in an anoxic environment (deprived of oxygen) owned by the Museum of Ethnography Brașov was presented and an exchange of information and best practices in the field was carried out conservation and restoration among specialists from participating institutions.
The project sought to identify innovative solutions for the conservation of material heritage in a local and European context and will end by organizing an exhibition with the cultural goods that were the object of curative conservation, with the help of the treatment facility in the anoxic environment, during the implementation of the project.
The project brought to the attention of collection owners the importance of preserving organic heritage objects through new, non-invasive, restorer-safe technologies. The owners of the collections will learn, through the implementation of the project, information about the technology of the treatment facility in anoxic environment and about a new cultural service offered by the Museum of Ethnography Brașov to other museums and collections, even those under private law.
The project "Pro patrimonio. Conserving and saving the heritage of others", co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN), is worth 110.940 lei.
In the framework of the project, several other events took place.
Conservation workshop "Preventive conservation: objects of an organic nature (textiles)"
04.05.-05.05.2023, National History Museum of Transylvania
Participants: Brașov Ethnography Museum, Transylvania National History Museum, Bran National Museum, Association of Romanian Conservators and Restorers, First Romanian School Museum and ERMIS Association
The participants, interested in the theme of the workshop, were familiarized with the facility for the treatment of organic heritage goods from the museum collections, carried out in an anoxic environment. During the presentations, the importance of curative and preventive conservation was highlighted and the results of the application of curative technology in an anoxic environment (deprived of oxygen) on heritage objects and textiles were presented.

Conservation workshop "Preventive conservation: objects of an organic nature (paper support)"
13.05-4.05.2023, Săcel Museum of Ethnography
TAKE PART: The Brașov Ethnography Museum, the National Museum of Transylvanian History, the Bran National Museum, the Romanian Association of Conservators and Restorers, the First Romanian School Museum and the ERMIS Association
The workshop offered owners of heritage objects, namely collectors, valuable information on the main causes of damage to organic heritage objects, but also information and recommendations regarding the preservation, packaging or storage of the owned objects. The workshop created a bridge between the scientific, institutionalized environment and the private environment, in order to provide access to the knowledge of specific techniques, absolutely necessary for saving cultural values.

June 14- July 17, 2023, Museum of Urban Civilization - collaborative exhibition
Participants: the Brașov Ethnography Museum, the National History Museum of Transylvania, the Bran National Museum, the Association of Romanian Conservators and Restorers, the First Romanian School Museum and the ERMIS Association. The exhibition exhibits traditional costumes, archaeological textiles, pieces of furniture, old books, views, maps and documents from private and public collections, pieces curatively treated in an anoxic environment, innovative, non-invasive technique.
The exhibition is part of the project "Pro patrimonio. Preserving and saving the heritage of others", co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN).
The Brașov Ethnographic Museum in partnership with the National History Museum of Transylvania, the Bran National Museum, the Association of Conservators and Restorers from Romania, the Museum of the First Romanian School and the ERMIS Brașov Association has implemented a project to exchange good practices between museum specialists and heritage owners from public and private environment.