The students involved in the project Egypt - mystery, science, art, accepted the challenge with an enthusiasm that remains even now when, after months of working with ideas, with new information, with untried techniques and methods, the first results materialize. The paintings are ready and piled up, the models are in their final stages, and the rehearsals for the play are more and more frequent. Soon we will enter the final phase of the project when all the pieces of the puzzle will come together here at the National Museum of Transylvanian History.
Follow us for new details!

The first meeting in 2024 with the students of the 4 schools involved in the project Dialogue platform between MNIT and teenagers - Our Museum / Your Museum – C"Gheorghe Șincai" National College Cluj-Napoca, "Nicolae Bălcescu" Theoretical High School Cluj-Napoca, Energetic Technical High School Cluj and "Ștefan Pascu" Apahida High School it was a real one brainstorming. I challenged the teenagers to decide what concept they want to focus on, the resources they want to use, so that in the end they can say that they have a deeper insight into Egyptian culture, through their own approaches and inspiration from , the "story" of the artifacts in the exhibition,,Gods and mortals of ancient Egypt" (ZMEA). As a first step, starting from the thematic exhibition of MNIT, students titled their own project "Egypt - mystery, science, art", project that will end this month May with an age-specific exhibition and how they interact with each other, with us, with the artifacts and with the history of this important universal culture. The next step, decanting all the ideas "put on paper" at this first meeting and establishing the common exhibition concept. We're coming back!

- Published in MUSEUM EDUCATION, Uncategorized
On December 19, we open the last papyrus!
We meet on Tuesday, 13.30:XNUMX p.m., in the space related to the "Gods and Mortals in Ancient Egypt" Exhibition (XNUMXst floor).
The team made up of Monica Bodea (museographer) and Luminița Bratu (teacher. primary teacher) will welcome you with the last "Stories on Papyrus"!
Appointments: 0745392935 Monica; 0748989347 Luminita.
Available places: 20 (the activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 11).
Papyrus is a paper-like material produced from the plant Cyperus papyrus, which was written during Antiquity. It remained an essential support of the book in Egypt, from where it spread to the Greek world and the Roman Empire.
October 2023 – June 2024
The exhibition "Gods and mortals of ancient Egypt" (ZMEA) is the theme of a new museum education project, addressed to middle school and high school students, within Dialogue platform between MNIT and teenagers - Our museum / Your museum. The subject is addressed to the 5th, 6th and 9th grades of the partner schools, whose curriculum includes lessons about Egyptian culture and civilization: "Gheorghe Șincai" National College Cluj-Napoca, "Nicolae Bălcescu" Theoretical High School Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Energetic Technical High School and "Ștefan Pascu" Apahida High School.
We want to challenge the students to become part of a project carried out in a specific cultural space, which can offer them multiple perspectives in the context of an informal education in which they are involved - museographers, archaeologists, conservators, restorers but also teaching staff with different specializations.
What do we propose? Let's get a deeper insight into Egyptian culture with the help of the artifacts in the ZMEA exhibition. We also plan to carry out workshops (painting, graphics, literary creation) starting from the Egyptian artefacts in our exhibition and, last but not least, the elaboration of criteria for the future projects of the museum, taking into account the preferences of new generations.
The first meeting helped us get to know the subject - a visit to the exhibition, with lots of questions and exclamations: "Wow, is the mummy really real?" Is it from then, from the time of the pharaohs?". The children also took pictures, which they sent to us, to prove that they had paid attention to the museographers' guidelines. 😊

Friday, November 17, at 15 p.m., we open the eleventh (penultimate) papyrus!
The activity is part of the museum education project carried out in partnership with the Association HaiHui between words: "The 12 papyri. From Life to Immortality in Ancient Egypt". The theme of the activity is: "The mummy - the embalming ritual".
We meet at 15 p.m., in the space related to the "Gods and Mortals in Ancient Egypt" Exhibition (XNUMXst floor).
The team made up of Monica Bodea (museographer) and Luminița Bratu (teacher. primary teacher) will welcome you with stories, history and usual with surprises!
Appointments: 0745392935 Monica; 0748989347 Luminita.
Available places: 10 (the activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 11).
Mummification was the way the Egyptians tried to preserve the human body intact for eternity. Not only human bodies were mummified, but also the bodies of animals.

An important piece in the exhibition, the mummified human body belongs to a man between 30 and 40 years old, with a relatively high height – 170 cm.
The mummy comes from Gamhud, in Middle Egypt, having been discovered in the Hungarian archaeological mission of 1907, financed by Fülöp Back. The mummy dates from the Ptolemaic Era, c. II-I BC Both the coffin and the textile covering covering the mummy show painted scenes that can be attributed to the same craftsman. The painted scenes and motifs illustrate moments from the embalming ritual and have the role of ensuring the rebirth of the deceased in the afterlife.
October 17, 2023, 15.00 p.m., MNIT
The tenth activity within the museum education project carried out in partnership with the HaiHui Association among the words: "The 12 papyri. From life to immortality in Ancient Egypt", has as its theme: "The pharaoh - God incarnate". We meet on Tuesday, October 17, at 15:00 in the space related to the "Gods and Mortals in Ancient Egypt" Exhibition (XNUMXst floor).
The team made up of Monica Bodea (museographer) and Luminița Bratu (teacher. primary teacher) will welcome you with history, stories and.... as usual with surprises!
Appointments: 0745392935 Monica; 0748989347 Luminita
Available places: 15 (the activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 11)
A particularly important place in the Egyptian pantheon was occupied by the pharaoh. According to mythology, Egypt was first ruled by the gods, with Ra himself being the first pharaoh. The pharaohs of the historical dynasties, the successors of the ancient divine dynasties, were themselves gods, in their double capacity as sons and heirs of the gods. Each pharaoh was born by supernatural conception, as the son of an earth woman and the god Ra. The ascension of the pharaoh to the throne was likened to the ascension of the sun to the throne of Horus. The gods themselves took part in the coronation ceremony, purifying the new king and giving him divine power. One of the ceremonies consisted of the pharaoh entering the temple, followed by embracing the statue of the god, an act considered to be a continuous transmission of divine power. After death, the pharaoh was officially worshiped in a temple built during his lifetime.
Tuesday, August 29, 13.30:XNUMX p.m., MNIT
We are starting registrations for the eighth activity within the museum education project carried out in partnership with the HaiHui Association among the words: "The 12 papyri. From Life to Immortality in Ancient Egypt".
The theme of the activity is: "Writing" - the language of the gods". We meet on Tuesday, August 29, at 13:30 p.m. in the space related to the "Gods and Mortals in Ancient Egypt" Exhibition (XNUMXst floor).
The team made up of Monica Bodea (museographer) and Luminița Bratu (teacher. primary teacher) will welcome you with history, stories and usual with surprises!
Appointments: 0745392935 Monica; 0748989347 Luminita.
Available places: 15 (the activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 11).
Along with pharaohs, pyramids, the Sphinx and mummies, one of the most interesting discoveries related to the civilization of Ancient Egypt was writing. Hieroglyphic writing, whose name comes from the Greek word "hieroglyphikos", means "sacred sculpture". The Egyptians decorated their temples, monuments and tombs with hieroglyphic writing. Deciphering this writing began with the Rosetta Stone. In 1799, French soldiers under Napoleon's command in Egypt, while repairing a fort in the city of Rashid (also known as Rosetta), discovered a stone slab. It was covered with characters in three different scripts – hieroglyphic, demotic and ancient Greek. Between 1822 and 1824, the French linguist Jean-Francois Champollion succeeded in deciphering the text. If you are curious to know more, we are waiting for you at the museum!
The seventh activity within the museum education project carried out in partnership with the HaiHui Association among the words: "The 12 papyri. From Life to Immortality in Ancient Egypt" is "Hidden treasures"- the wonderful world of archaeology".
Archeology (term derived from the Greek word "archàios - ancient" and "lògos - discourse/study) is the science that studies ancient human civilizations and cultures and their relationships with the environment, by documenting and searching, collecting, analyzing and interpreting the remaining material traces .
Egypt holds one of the richest sources of archaeological treasures in the world, and we will explore them.
We meet Tuesday, July 18, 13:00 p.m in the space related to the Exhibition "Gods and Mortals in Egypt (if the weather permits, we will carry out the activity in the courtyard of the museum). Ancient" (first floor). The team made up of Monica Bodea (museographer) and Luminița Bratu (teacher. primary teacher) will welcome you with history, stories and usual with surprises!
Appointments: 0745392935 Monica; 0748989347 Luminita.
Available places: 10 (the activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 10).

We are starting registrations for the sixth activity within the museum education project carried out in partnership with the Association HaiHui between words: "The 12 papyri. From Life to Immortality in Ancient Egypt".
The theme of the activity is: "Gods - Above All". We meet Thursday, June 29, 13:30 p.m in the space related to the "Gods and Mortals in Ancient Egypt" Exhibition (1st floor). The team made up of Monica Bodea (museographer) and Luminița Bratu (teacher. primary teacher) will welcome you with history, stories and, as usual, with surprises!
Appointments: 0745392935 Monica; 0748989347 Luminita.
Available places: 15 (the activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 10).
The ancient Egyptians believed in several gods, the religion being polytheistic. Egyptian mythology is, along with Sumerian and Babylonian, among the oldest in the world. Beliefs and rituals are based on the interaction of the ancient Egyptians with a large number of deities (over 60), gods who had certain characteristics and attributes. The most important and revered gods were: Ra - the sun god, Osiris - the god of the afterlife, Set – the evil god, Isis – the mother-sister goddess, Horus – the falcon god, Sobek – the crocodile god of the Nile, Anubis – jackal god of death and mummification, Bastet – the cat goddess, Thoth – the ibis-headed god, patron of writing and mathematics and Hathor – goddess of love, music and dance.

- Published in MUSEUM EDUCATION, Uncategorized
Starting with the date of 31.01.2023, we are starting a new museum education project carried out in partnership with the HaiHui Association among the words: "The 12 papyri. From Life to Immortality in Ancient Egypt".
First meeting January 31, 15 p.m., in the exhibition space Gods and Mortals in Ancient Egypt (XNUMXst floor).
The team made up of museographer Monica Bodea and prov. Rev. Mayor Luminița Bratu will welcome you with stories, history and surprises!
Appointments at the phone number: 0745392935
Appointments: 0745392935 – Monica; 0748989347 – The light.
Available places: 15 (the activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 11).
Calendar of activities
1. "Ornaments of Ancient Egypt" : Bracelets : January
2. "Ornaments of Ancient Egypt" : Beads: February
3. "The Mystery of the Pyramid": March
4. "The Scarab" – from animal to god: April
5. "Amulets" - cult and magic: May
6. "The Gods" - Above all: June
7. "Hidden Treasures" – the little archaeologist: July
8. "Writing" – the language of the gods: August
9. "Cartridge" – hieroglyphic symbol: September
10 "The Pharaoh" – God incarnate: October
11 "The Mummy" – the embalming ritual: November
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