Last year was the first visit to a museum for young people with disabilities from the Providence Day Center and they didn't really know what to expect, but this year they returned with enthusiasm. It looks like we started a tradition, because at the end they said, "We can't wait to visit you again!"
In order for them to enjoy this second experience, we have adapted the activities from the museum education program and the visit to the exhibition "Greeks from overseas. Ceramics with figures from Etruria and Magna Graecia”.
They proved to be a receptive audience and delighted by the beauty of the exhibits! The proof is right in the images below!

CultHeRit – Identifying solutions for labor market disparities in the cultural heritage sector in the Danube region by improving accessibility for young professionals

The disparities on the labor market in the heritage sector are due to several causes. The attractiveness of a career in the cultural heritage sector has declined in recent decades, the main causes being low pay and a lack of innovative employment practices to counterbalance the modest financial reward. Also, the young graduates of some specialized universities are not prepared in accordance with the offer on the labor market, potential employers being thus forced to apply practices that reflect the special legal status of employees and the type of work in the cultural heritage sector.
Thus, the National History Museum of Transylvania is involved in the project CultHeRit – Identifying solutions for labor market disparities in the cultural heritage sector in the Danube region by improving accessibility for young professionals, within a partnership between 13 institutions and organizations from 8 countries, coordinated by the Hungarian Museum of Applied Arts [IMM] – project leader and the following partners: the Museum of Applied Arts [MAK] and the Cultural Platform of Upper Austria [KUPF ] – Austria; The National Heritage Institute [INP], the National Museum of Transylvanian History [MNIT] and the Bihor County Employment Agency [AJOFMBH] – Romania; Republican Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments [RIPCM], Subotica Intermunicipal Institute for the Protection of Historical Monuments [IPCMS] and the Trade Union of Employees in Cultural Institutions [SKS] – Serbia; Museum of Decorative Arts [UPM] – Czech Republic; Institute for the Protection of Cultural-Historical and Natural Heritage [IPC] – Bosnia and Herzegovina; Museum of Arts and Crafts [MUO] – Croatia; Research and Education Center "Mansion Rakičan" [RIS] – Slovenia. During 30 months (01.01.2024 – 30.06.2026), the partners aim to optimize the labor market by inducing positive changes in the employment practices currently applied in the cultural heritage sector. This will be achieved by defining and applying a model of employment in the cultural heritage institutions of the participating countries in the Danube region. By increasing access to the cultural heritage sector for young professionals, the CultHeRit project will contribute to slowing down and reversing the migration of young people with higher education and retaining skilled labor in the targeted institutions, while increasing the diversification of the sectoral workforce.
The objective of the project will be fulfilled through a series of specific activities:
- Carrying out the transnational analysis of employment practices in institutes and museums in the cultural heritage sector in the Danube region;
- Defining the general employment model for young professionals at the partnership level;
- Application of the model by hiring a young professional for 1 year in 10 institutions part of the project consortium;
- Evaluation and improvement of the applied model from three perspectives: of the young professional, the employer and external experts;
- Optimizing the general model of employment of young professionals to be used later at the regional level;
- Elaboration of the Transnational Study on access to jobs and the employment situation in institutes and museums in the cultural heritage sector;
- Elaboration of the Transnational Strategy regarding the improvement of access to jobs and the employment situation in institutes and museums in the cultural heritage sector;
- Running a visibility and advocacy campaign.
Among the topics addressed in the working group meetings will be: legal status and employment conditions, gender equality, access to jobs for people with disabilities and disadvantaged groups, the feasibility of solutions identified at the partnership level in a national context, etc. The members of the working group will contribute to the definition of a general and desirable employment model, to the development of recommendations during the testing of the employment model, to its adaptation and modification in order to make a real contribution to the improvement of the employment situation in the heritage sector, as and developing analyzes and collecting data.
The first stage of the project is dedicated to the elaboration the transnational analysis of employment practices by providing and collecting data based on the methodology developed within the consortium, which will aim to analyze the current conditions and dynamics of the labor market in the heritage sector. MNIT, in collaboration with the National Heritage Institute, will collect data on local employment practices to analyze relevant university programs as well as student expectations regarding employment in the cultural heritage sector.
Along with all other partners, our museum will identify desirable and at the same time viable solutions on a large scale for the recruitment, employment and retention of young professionals in the sector, thus contributing to the definition of a general model of their employment, applicable at the level of all the countries involved in the project.
After adapting to national regulations, the partners will test the applicability of the model by employment for 1 year of a recent graduate in one of the areas with a shortage of personnel, who will work under the guidance of a mentor.
Through the experience of this stage, MNIT will contribute to finalizing the employment modele and will transfer elements of it to the internal practices in the field of human resources.
Ultimately, the CultHeRit project strives to ensure that the cultural heritage sector becomes and remains an attractive workplace, offering careers aimed at the professional development of young employees, and aims to contribute to the retention of the skilled workforce by increasing at the same time occupational and age diversity in the sector.
Project CultHeRit – Identifying solutions for labor market disparities in the cultural heritage sector in the Danube region by improving accessibility for young professionals is part of the Danube Transnational Cooperation Program, a financing instrument of Interreg that aims to improve the application of regional development policies and programs in the Danube area. The project will be implemented between January 2024 and June 2026 and has a total budget of €2.043.590, of which €1.634.872 is non-refundable funding.

May 16-July 16, 2024
The National History Museum of Transylvania and the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania invite you to the opening of the exhibition The memorandum of the Romanians from Transylvania and the trial in Cluj - 130 years, which will take place on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 13 p.m., at the headquarters Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania from Memorandumul str., no. 21, Cluj-Napoca.
The exhibition was organized with the aim of marking the 130th anniversary of the memorandumist movement of the Romanians in Transylvania (1892-1894), which ended with the trial and conviction of the memorandumists in the trial that took place between May 7-25, 1894 in the Reduta Palace in Cluj (today the seat of the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania).
Cultural assets related to the Romanian national movement in Transylvania will be exhibited: the personal items of Dr. Ioan Rațiu, the office bag, the oil portraits of the memorist and his wife Emilia, vintage photographs, correspondence, lithographs, the printed copy of Memorandum, the documents of the meeting of the Romanian National Party on March 25, 1892, where the date of sending the act to the emperor and the composition of the delegation that was to go to Vienna was decided, etc.
Through the content, and especially through the movement generated by it, Memorandum remains the most important political action of the Romanians from the second half of the 19th century.
The exhibition is accompanied by a bilingual catalog (Romanian-English) drawn up in special graphic conditions, which contains the description of the exhibited pieces as well as the full text of Memorandum filed at the Imperial Chancellery in Vienna on 28 May 1892.
Coordinator: Dr. Ovidiu Muntean, National History Museum of Transylvania
For more information: https://www.muzeul-etnografic.ro/ro/articole/expozitii/memorandul-romanilor-din-transilvania-si-procesul-de-la-cluj-1892-1894-130-de-ani

April – May 2024, Installation 10 x 10″, Boulevard of Heroes, Cluj-Napoca
In partnership with Bosch Romania, we prepared the exhibition "Bosch Story - A journey through time towards a sustainable future." This year, Bosch celebrates 30 years of presence in Romania, and last year marked 10 years of activity on the Cluj market. The local IT industry, known as Romania's Silicon Valley, had and continues to have a significant impact not only on Cluj, but also on the entire country.
Discover interesting stories and future plans of the local IT industry.

We are starting registrations for the third activity within the museum education project carried out in partnership with the HaiHui Association under the words: "Apoikia - Home away from home". The theme of the activity is: "In the Labyrinth with the Minotaur".
We meet on Tuesday, May 14, at 16:00 p.m., in the space related to the "Overseas Greeks" Exhibition (second floor).
The team made up of Monica Bodea (museographer), Cristina Mariana Popescu (museographer) and Luminița Bratu (primary teacher) will welcome you with history, stories and... as usual, surprises!
Appointments: Monica (0745 392 935); Luminita (0748 989 347). Available places: 10 (activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 11).

This project is aimed at students from rural areas. We aimed to make the collections of cultural goods from our heritage known and accessible to them, to arouse their curiosity and interest enough to want to visit the museum.
Thanks to those who were the first to say "YES!" of our project: Tureni High School, to the director Prof. Dr. Andreea Brașovan, to Mr. primary education teacher Gheorghe Sălăjan, to all teaching staff and students involved!
We were very happy with the openness with which they embraced this initiative and the entire collaboration!
MNIT team:
Diana Piru – museum educator and initiator of the project
Dana Gheorghe Şerban – cartoonist
Anca Bâlc - cartoonist

The students involved in the project Egypt - mystery, science, art, accepted the challenge with an enthusiasm that remains even now when, after months of working with ideas, with new information, with untried techniques and methods, the first results materialize. The paintings are ready and piled up, the models are in their final stages, and the rehearsals for the play are more and more frequent. Soon we will enter the final phase of the project when all the pieces of the puzzle will come together here at the National Museum of Transylvanian History.
Follow us for new details!

That was the second activity dedicated to Amazon speeds!
The history was presented by Dr. Cristina Popescu - exhibition curator, the story of prof. primary Luminita Bratu and the workshop of Dr. Monica Bodea and Dr. Andra Comiati. In the first part of the activity, we enjoyed the contribution of Rareș Comșa (4th grade student).
Children between the ages of 6 and 10 participated. Thanks for participating and see you on May 14th!
* The educational project Apoikia - Home away from home; is carried out in partnership with the Association Haihui Among Words and is related to the "Greece from overseas" exhibition.

Summer school

June 24, 2024 – August 30, 2024
We are very happy to announce a new museum education project that we hope will keep you busy during the summer holidays. Program of practical workshops named Craftsmen at the Museum – Learn a craft in three days – is addressed to students aged between 10 and 14 years.
If you want to know more about the details and conditions of registration, we invite you to the project website: https://scoaladevara.mnit.ro/.

April 2024 – Boulevard of Heroes, Cluj-Napoca
The 10×10 installation on hosts for the whole month of April this preamble exhibition for the most important event that the National History Museum of Transylvania wants to organize in the near future about the barbarian elites of the XNUMXth century AD from the Danube area Middle and Lower.

We have chosen to display artefacts that come from burial inventories and from unique hoards in the world consisting of jewellery, harness pieces and gold vessels. The most remarkable reproduced artefacts are part of the Simleu Silvaniei hoard, discovered in two stages (1797, 1889), which are in the collections of the Art History Museum (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) and the Hungarian National Museum (Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest ). Other artifacts come from Apahida, Cluj-Someșeni and Coșoveni, being in the collections of the National History Museum of Romania, as well as from the Florești Polus Center (today VIVO) in the collection of the National History Museum of Transylvania.
We encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and visit our facility.